c# 类型为“System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException”的未处理异常

本文关键字:COMException 未处理 异常 InteropServices Runtime 类型 System | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:37:28




         private void btnQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string strPC = txtPCName.Text.ToString();
        string strDrive = txtDrive.Text.ToString();
        if (strPC == "" || strDrive == "" || txtUser.Text.ToString() == "" || txtPW.Text.ToString() == "")
            MessageBox.Show("The PC Name/ Drive Letter / Username / Or Password is blank. Please make sure all of these fields are filled out");
            //Set up the connection first and test that it is working properly
            ConnectionOptions connection = new ConnectionOptions();
            connection.Username = txtUser.Text;
            connection.Password = txtPW.Text;
            connection.Authority = "ntlmdomain:expd";
            ManagementScope mgmtScope = new ManagementScope("''''" + strPC + "''root''cimv2", connection);
            if (pTestWMIConnection(mgmtScope) == true)
                //Get PC Information
                double dblMem = pGetMemUsage("FreePhysicalMemory", mgmtScope);
                double dblTotDisk = pGetTotalDiskSpace(strDrive, mgmtScope);
                double dblFreeDisk = pGetFreeDiskSpace(strDrive, mgmtScope);
                txtMem.Text = Math.Round(dblMem, 2).ToString() + " MB";
                txtDriveTot.Text = Math.Round(dblTotDisk, 2).ToString() + " GB";
                txtFreeDisk.Text = Math.Round(dblFreeDisk, 2).ToString() + " GB";
                txtSN.Text = pGetWMIInfo("Win32_BIOS", "SerialNumber", mgmtScope);
                txtIP.Text = pGetIPAddress("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration", "IPAddress", mgmtScope);
                txtModel.Text = pGetWMIInfo("Win32_ComputerSystem", "Model", mgmtScope);
                txtArch.Text = pGetWMIInfo("Win32_OperatingSystem", "OSArchitecture", mgmtScope);
                SetBalloonTip("Complete", "PC Query Completed");
                MessageBox.Show("Connection to remote PC failed"); 

 public static bool pTestWMIConnection(ManagementScope mgmtScope)
            if (mgmtScope.IsConnected == true)
                return true;
        catch (ManagementException err)
            MessageBox.Show("Unable to Return some or all of the information requested - " + err.Message);
            return false;
        catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException unauthorizedErr)
            MessageBox.Show("Username or Password might be incorrect - " + unauthorizedErr.Message);
            return false;
        return false;

c# 类型为“System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException”的未处理异常

如果您的程序在 try catch 语句中崩溃,则看起来好像返回异常不是类型 ManagementExceptionSystem.UnauthorizedAccessException

相反,尝试简单地使用应该捕获所有异常的Catch(Exception ex),然后通过错误键入信息来触发错误,看看它是什么错误类型,然后处理它。 使用消息框,您的错误处理似乎足够了,我认为是将例程踢回给用户以修复输入并重新提交,因此我会模仿相同的功能,无论系统踢出什么错误。