C# - 运算符
本文关键字:运算符 | 更新日期: 2023-09-12 17:38:37
C# 中的运算符是一些对操作数执行某些操作的特殊符号。在数学中,加号 (+) 表示左右数字的总和。同样,C# 包含用于不同类型操作的各种运算符。
下面的示例演示 C# 中的 + 运算符。
Example: + Operator
int x = 5 + 5;
int y = 10 + x;
int z = x + y;
在上面的示例中,+ 运算符将两个数字文字相加,并将结果分配给一个变量。它还将两个 int 变量的值相加,并将结果分配给一个变量。
某些运算符的行为因操作数的类型而异。例如,+ 运算符连接两个字符串。
Example: + Operator with Strings
string greet1 = "Hello " + "World!";
string greet2 = greeting + name;
注意:C# 中有两种类型的运算符,一元运算符和二进制运算符。一元运算符作用于单个操作数,而二元运算符作用于两个操作数(运算符的左侧和右侧操作数)。
C# 包括以下类别的运算符:
- 算术运算符
- 赋值运算符
- 比较运算符
- 相等运算符
- 布尔逻辑运算符
- 移位运算符
- 成员访问运算符
- 类型转换运算符
- 指针相关运算符
Operator | Name | Description | Example |
+ | Addition | Computes the sum of left and right operands. | int x = 5 + 5; |
- | Subtraction | Subtract the right operand from the left operand | int x = 5 - 1; |
* | Multiplication | Multiply left and right operand | int x = 5 * 1; |
/ | Division | Divides the left operand by the right operand | int x = 10 / 2; |
% | Remainder | Computes the remainder after dividing its left operand by its right operand | int x = 5 % 2; |
++ | Unary increment | Unary increment ++ operator increases its operand by 1 | x++ |
-- | Unary decrement | Unary decrement -- operator decreases its operand by 1 | x-- |
+ | Unary plus | Returns the value of operand | +5 |
- | Unary minus | Computes the numeric negation of its operand. | -5 |
赋值运算符 = 将其右侧具有值分配给其左侧变量、属性或索引器。它还可以与其他算术、布尔逻辑和按位运算符一起使用。
Operator | Name | Description | Example |
= | Assignment | Assigns its right had value to its left-hand variable, property or indexer. | x = 10; |
x op= y | Compound assignment | Short form of x =x op y where op = any arithmetic, Boolean logical, and bitwise operator. | x += 5; |
??= | Null-coalescing assignment | C# 8 onwards, ??= assigns value of the right operand only if the left operand is null | x ??= 5; |
比较运算符包含两个数字操作数并返回 true 或 false。
Operator | Description | Example |
< | Returns true if the left operand is less than the right operand | x < y; |
> | Returns true if the left operand is greater than the right operand | x > y; |
<= | Returns true if the left operand is less than or equal to the right operand | x <= y |
>= | Returns true if the left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand | x >= y; |
Operator | Description | Example |
== | Returns true if operands are equal otherwise false. | x == y; |
!= | Returns true if operands are not equal otherwise false. | x != y; |
Operator | Description | Example |
! | Reverses the bool result of bool expression. Returns false if result is true and returns true if result is false. | !false |
&& | Computes the logical AND of its bool operands. Returns true both operands are true, otherwise returns false. | x && y; |
|| | Computes the logical OR of its bool operands. Returns true when any one operand is true. | x || y; |
Operators | Category |
x.y, x?.y, x?[y], f(x), a[i], x++, x--, new, typeof, checked, unchecked, default, nameof, delegate, sizeof, stackalloc, x->y | Primary |
+x, -x, !x, ~x, ++x, --x, ^x, (T)x, await, &x, *x, true and false | Unary |
x..y | Range |
x * y, x / y, x % y | Multiplicative |
x + y, x - y | Additive |
x << y, x >> y | Shift |
x < y, x > y, x <= y, x >= y, is, as | Relational and type-testing |
x == y, x != y | Equality |
x & y | Boolean logical AND |
x ^ y | Boolean logical XOR |
x | y | Boolean logical OR |
x && y | Conditional AND |
x || y | Conditional OR |
x ?? y | Null-coalescing operator |
c ? t : f | Conditional operator |
x = y, x += y, x -= y, x *= y, x /= y, x %= y, x &= y, x |= y, x ^= y, x <<= y, x >>= y, x ??= y, => | Assignment and lambda declaration |
Example: Operator Precedence
int a = 5 + 3 * 3;
int b = 5 + 3 * 3 / 2;
int c = (5 + 3) * 3 / 2;
int d = (3 * 3) * (3 / 3 + 5);
详细了解C# 运算符。